Thursday, 8 August 2013

SLA PC Hardware Training Chennai - Faqs: Why do we need Virtual Memory?

sla jobs chennai

People wonder about this all the time : “My computer has two gigs of RAM. Why would I need more?”

Like many other things in the computer industry, virtual memory was born out of necessity. Fairly early on in personal computer evolution, it was decided that a computer would never need more than 640 KB ( yes, kilobytes) of memory. Oops. For DOS it was fine, mostly, but once graphical operating systems came into the world, the number of resources needed jumped significantly.

Flash back to the late 1980s/early 1990s – if you had 4MB of RAM in your system, you were doing well. Very well, in fact, because RAM cost over $100 per megabyte. If you wanted more memory for windows to use, then you had two choices – one was to mortgage your property, and the other was to use another source: virtual memory.

Hard disk space was and probably always cheaper per megabyte than RAM, simply because of the technology involved. So, while hard disks might be slower than RAM, they are bigger and cheaper. Using space on them for virtual memory made a ton of economic sense then and still does today.

Do you want to know more about hardware in PC? Join the A+ course in SLA Employment Training Company in Chennai. You can be well equipped to handle any PC hardware challenges or needs. If you want to be a part of this wonderful learning experience, join SLA now!

For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

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