Friday, 23 August 2013

Soft Recovery and Hard Recovery - Microsoft Certified System Administrator Training in Chennai

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If you lose the hard disk containing the storage group databases, you can replace the damaged disk and then restore the most recent database backups. If you then delete the checkpoint file, then an automatic log file replay of all transactions that occurred after the backup transfers and recorded transactions from log files to the databases. This is known as a roll-forward or a soft recovery.

It is possible that transaction log files were backed up subsequent to the database file backup. Transaction files are typically much smaller than database files and are backed up more regularly. An incremental backup backs up all the information that has been written to the transaction log since the last full or incremental backup. A differential backup backs up all the transaction log files whether they have been previously backed up or not. Neither incremental nor differential backups delete the transaction log files, nor do they backup the database files.

If you have backed up transaction log files since the last full backup, you can perform a hard recovery. Hard recovery is the process of replaying transaction log files from the backup medium after you restore a database from an online backup.

To know more about backup and recovery, you need to do a course in system administration. SLA IT Employment Training Company in Chennai conducts courses in MCSA and MCSM. Drop in at SLA for a free career counselling. For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

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