Saturday, 31 August 2013

How to Search for a Job or Career that Suits You? - SLA IT Job Oriented Courses in Chennai

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If you are a fresher looking for a job you may be thinking of various ways to get a job. You may be discussing with your friends, relatives, and seniors about the various job opportunities. You can ask them to describe the work they do ( a job description or profile) and find out if the work style will suit you. You can also browse online or read magazines and books about the specific job you dream of getting. 

There are lots of self-assessment tools on the web. These tools will help you find out your strengths and weaknesses. If you Google on the net you may find tools like Myers Briggs Type Indicator. 

You can think of volunteering or become an intern at a company and test if the job profile will choose you. This experience will help you know how the job will be on a day-to-day basis. Have a Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C. Try out alternate job options.

In your initial job or first job, you need not worry about how much salary you are offered. Instead, you should focus on the job profile and the salary. Research shows that we may change our job profiles multiple times in our career. So, this process will not only be helpful for a job search the first time but will also be useful throughout your career. 

One option for you as a fresher will be to work on a time-tested strategy. Many freshers have joined SLA IT Employment Training Company and have got jobs. Drop in at SLA for a free career counselling. For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Friday, 30 August 2013

.NET Data Functions - Dotnet Training Centre in SLA KK Nagar Chennai Complaints

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.NET is widely used in application development. .NET language has various features and methods for dealing with data. Let us look at a few.

Data Provider

A .NET framework data provider is used for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. Those result are either processed directly, placed in a dataset in order to be exposed to the user as needed, combined with data from multiple sources, or remoted between tiers. .NET framework data providers are lightweight, creating a minimal layer between the datasource and code, increasing performance without sacrificing functionality.

Data Reader

Data reader object is a stream-based, forward only, read only retrieval of query results from the data source, which do not update the data. The data reader cannot be created directly from code, they can be created only by calling the execute reader method of a command object.

Data Adapter

Data adapters are an integral part of ADO.NET managed providers, which are a set of objects used to communicate (bridge) between a data source and a dataset. Data adapters are used to exchange data between a data source and a dataset. Two methods are used in data adapter

Fill () - to fill data from data adapter to dataset
Update () - to commit the changes made in dataset to the database
FillSchema () - to fill data from DataTable to dataset

.NET has many more functionalities to it. It will be good for an aspiring software programmer to know more about .NET features. You need to join the right training institute to learn .NET in a systematic manner. SLA IT Employment Training Company in Chennai offers complete training in .NET. Drop in at SLA for a free career counselling. For more details visit SLA - Dot Net Training Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Soft Recovery and Hard Recovery - Microsoft Certified System Administrator Training in Chennai

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If you lose the hard disk containing the storage group databases, you can replace the damaged disk and then restore the most recent database backups. If you then delete the checkpoint file, then an automatic log file replay of all transactions that occurred after the backup transfers and recorded transactions from log files to the databases. This is known as a roll-forward or a soft recovery.

It is possible that transaction log files were backed up subsequent to the database file backup. Transaction files are typically much smaller than database files and are backed up more regularly. An incremental backup backs up all the information that has been written to the transaction log since the last full or incremental backup. A differential backup backs up all the transaction log files whether they have been previously backed up or not. Neither incremental nor differential backups delete the transaction log files, nor do they backup the database files.

If you have backed up transaction log files since the last full backup, you can perform a hard recovery. Hard recovery is the process of replaying transaction log files from the backup medium after you restore a database from an online backup.

To know more about backup and recovery, you need to do a course in system administration. SLA IT Employment Training Company in Chennai conducts courses in MCSA and MCSM. Drop in at SLA for a free career counselling. For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

CyberSpace Security Risks - Networking Security Training in Chennai

SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai

We are seeing various trends in the distribution of malware. It is now getting more organized. In the past people were developing viruses just for fun. Then there were cyber criminals who were independently developing malware for financial gain. Now they operate in groups. Today this has become an industry. There are organized groups of cyber criminals who plan different attacks and offer criminal services. Of late we also see the number of cyber criminals increasing. They are making malware and trading it with others.

At the moment the motive for this is only financial gain. They run botnets and trade information about botnets. It is like a chain that has everything from virus writing to hacking bank accounts. There are different groups in this chain doing specific things. The increase in the number of malware puts an extra load on security systems.

We also see cybercrime that is politically motivated. In the past two years there were four such attacks: Estonia, parts of Russia, Marseille Islands and Georgia. These attacks are not motivated by financial gain but are a type of political warfare. This type of cybercrime involves sophisticated malware.

Do you want to protect your network and cloud space against possible cybercrimes? Then you need to know the fundamentals and advanced concepts of networking. SLA IT Employment Training Company in Chennai conducts hardware and networking courses such as A+, N+, MCSM, and CCNA. Drop in at SLA for a free career counselling. For more details visit SLA - KK Nagar Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Two Things You Should not do as a Leader - LeaderShip/Attitude/Soft Skills Training Chennai

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As a leader, there are few things you should not do.

a. Being Too "Hands-Off"

One of your team has just completed an important project. The problem is that he misunderstood the project's specification, and you didn't stay in touch with him as he was working on it. Now, he's completed the project in the wrong way, and you're faced with explaining this to an angry client.

Many leaders want to avoid micromanagement. But going to the opposite extreme (with a hand-offs management style) isn't a good idea either – you need to get the balance right.

b. Being Too Friendly

Most of us want to be seen as friendly and approachable to people in our team. After all, people are happier working for a manager that they get on with. However, you'll sometimes have to make tough decisions regarding people in your team, and some people will be tempted to take advantage of your relationship if you're too friendly with them.

This doesn't mean that you can't socialize with your people. But, you do need to get the balance right between being a friend and being the boss.

Learn how to do avoid this mistake with our article, Now You're the Boss. Also, make sure that you set clear boundaries, so that team members aren't tempted to take advantage of you.

At SLA IT Employment Training Company we teach students soft skills that include leadership skills. If you want a complete IT Training , learn from SLA.

For more details visit SLA - LeaderShip/Attitude/Soft Skills Training Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Friday, 16 August 2013

IT Certification - Where to Study?

There is a big information burst going on in the internet. Google Founder Eric Schmidt has told that, “Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.” Take a look at the infographic that reiterates this fact. 

Now, if someone wants to do an IT program. They can search for information on the web. But, will that be enough? Suppose you want to do a certification in Networking. You can read from the web and other social media sources. But it will not match an instructor-led-training with a hands-on-lab session. The trainer will also be able to motivate you and conduct assessments and mock interviews to test your knowledge level in the subject.

SLA IT Employment Training Company in Chennai conducts training courses for hardware and software certifications. They also have 20 years of experience in the training field. So, get help for your studies. Join the networking courses at SLA IT Employment Training Company! For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.  

Monday, 12 August 2013

SLA IT Training - How to Convert a Basic Disk to a Dynamic Disk?

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All disks are basic disks by default. When you need to take advantage of the functionality that dynamic disks provide, you must convert the basic disks to dynamic disks. You can convert a basic disk to a dynamic disk without losing existing data.

For the conversion to be successful there must be atleast 1 MB of free unpartitioned space available on the basic disk. This 1 MB is necessary to store the dynamic disk database, which tracks the configuration of all dynamic disks in the computer. If Windows XP professional created the existing partitions, it will have automatically reserved the 1 MB of space required for conversion. If another operating system or a third-party utility program created the partitions prior to upgrading, there is a chance that no free space is available. In that case, you will likely have to repartition the drive so that 1 MB of space is reserved as blank space.

During the conversion, all primary and extended partitions become simple dynamic volumes, and the disk will join the local disk group and receive a copy of the dynamic database.

To learn more about disks and partitioning join SLA Employment Training Company in Chennai. For more details visit SLAChennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

SLA PC Hardware Training Chennai - Faqs: Why do we need Virtual Memory?

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People wonder about this all the time : “My computer has two gigs of RAM. Why would I need more?”

Like many other things in the computer industry, virtual memory was born out of necessity. Fairly early on in personal computer evolution, it was decided that a computer would never need more than 640 KB ( yes, kilobytes) of memory. Oops. For DOS it was fine, mostly, but once graphical operating systems came into the world, the number of resources needed jumped significantly.

Flash back to the late 1980s/early 1990s – if you had 4MB of RAM in your system, you were doing well. Very well, in fact, because RAM cost over $100 per megabyte. If you wanted more memory for windows to use, then you had two choices – one was to mortgage your property, and the other was to use another source: virtual memory.

Hard disk space was and probably always cheaper per megabyte than RAM, simply because of the technology involved. So, while hard disks might be slower than RAM, they are bigger and cheaper. Using space on them for virtual memory made a ton of economic sense then and still does today.

Do you want to know more about hardware in PC? Join the A+ course in SLA Employment Training Company in Chennai. You can be well equipped to handle any PC hardware challenges or needs. If you want to be a part of this wonderful learning experience, join SLA now!

For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.