Sunday, 1 September 2013

Network Interface Cards (NICs) - Comptia Network+ Classroom Training Course in SLA Chennai

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The network interface card provides the physical interface between computer and cabling. It prepares data, sends data, and controls the flow of data. It can also receive and translate data into bytes for the CPU to understand. NICs come in many shapes and sizes.

Different NICs are distinguished by the PC bus type and the network for which they are used. The following factors must be taken into account while choosing a NIC:

  • Preparing data
  • Sending and controlling data
  • Configuration
  • Drivers
  • Compatibility
  • Performance

Each card must have a unique hardware address, called a MAC address. If two cards on the same network have the same hardware address, neither one will be able to communicate. For this reason, the IEEE has established a standard for hardware addresses and assigns blocks of these addresses to NIC manufacturers, which then hard-wire the addresses into the cards.

To know more about other type of network hardware you should join a course in hardware and networking. A CompTIA A+ certification will help you to know about hardware in-depth and work in the IT hardware field. SLA IT Employment Company in Chennai offers class-of-the-art training in hardware. For more details visit SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

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