Sunday, 1 September 2013

Leadership/Aptitude/Interview Skills Training Program - SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai

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Any programmer who joins as a fresher in a company will at some stage be promoted to a Team Leader position. But before promotion, the employers will also like to know if someone is ready for leadership. Let us have a look at few characters employers will look for in a leader.

Vision - Great leaders have vision. They have a clearly chalked out plan for themselves and the company and are very excited about future prospects.

Humility – Leaders are expected to be humble and recognize the sub-ordinates when there is a success.

Strategic Planning – A leader must be able to list a lot of tactics to achieve a set strategy. The strategy must be able to deliver results.

Focus – A leader should not get distracted from his/her main goals and should maintain focus.

Co-operate – A leader must be able to make his subordinates work as a team. They should ensure co-operation amongst team members.

Courage – A leader must be willing to take risks and work in an ambiguous environment.
Integrity – Leaders are expected to be truthful in all their interactions. In the end truth triumphs.

Knowing the needs of the industry, SLA IT Employment Training Company trains their students in soft skills and especially leadership attributes. This helps the students in learning technical skills along with job-oriented soft skills. For more details visit SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

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