Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Organizational Climate - SLA Work And Culture Training and Career Development in Chennai

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Organizational climate is like snow flakes or finger prints and is unique to every organization. Organizational climate indicates how all the employees generally behave in a company. Though there cannot be personal similarities in the way employees behave, there are official similarities in the way all the employees behave. For example, if an organization cuts cake for all employees' birthday then this ritual is followed by all employees.

If employees can take only two permissions per week then that is also a part of organizational climate. Employees conducting a monthly potluck, going for a team outing once they complete a project, wishing each other in the morning when they meet, and many such activities or rituals can make up the organizational climate.

As a fresher, when you join an organization you should find out the organizational climate. Later, you should adapt yourself to the organizational climate. Usually the HR and top management people will decide the organizational climate. As a fresher, if you are a team player, then you can also add few features to the organizational climate.

At SLA IT Employment Training Company, students are taught about organizational climate. For more details visit SLA Positive Work/Organizational Training Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

How to Tackle Questions at an Interview - SLA Interview Skills Training Course/Program in Chennai

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Answering questions at an interview go a long way in determining your career. Let us look at a few interview questions and how you can tackle them. Sometimes, after conducting the interview the last question the interviewer asks will be “Do you have any questions to ask us?.” This is a very important question and how you answer that question goes a long way in you getting the job.

Never ask Salary, perks, leave, place of posting, etc. regarded questions. Try to ask more about the company to show how early you can make a contribution to your organization like “Sir, with your kind permission I would like to know more about induction and developmental programs?.” “Sir, I would like to have my feedback, so that I can analyze and improve my strengths and rectify my shortcomings.”

The interviewer may also ask , “How mobile are you?”. You can say that, “I am absolutely mobile. Well I can go to any part of the country or even abroad if situation permits.”

Suppose the interviewer asks, “Can you handle pressure?.” You can answer and say that , “Sir, I can handle pressure of work. Let me explain how. Whenever there is pressure of work, we need to tackle it from the mental stand-point. Mental stand-point would mean being in a state of relaxation and composure so that I do not feel stressed out during the course of my work. I always prioritize my job in their exact order of merit and importance so that I can dispose them off quickly and effectively.”

To learn many more such ways to tackle interview questions, you can join SLA IT Employment Training Company. For more details visit SLA Interview Skills Training Program in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Tips for Network Design - Comptia Certified SLA Networking Training in Chennai

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Network Design starts from the foundation. Your sleek new infrastructure of VLANs and virtual devices is complete trash if the foundation of your network is faulty. Layer 1 is king, and disruptions in layer 1 still contribute to a huge volume of detrimental network outages. As network capabilities develop and grow, layer 1 requirements will evolve and remain the most critical consideration.

Next, you need to consider power sources. To say we’ve been spoiled in recent decades with our power sources seems strange, but it’s true. As power demands increase with newer technology, availability and consistency of power is more critical than ever. The addition of virtualized machines and software-based appliances that are more sensitive to power issues compounds the problem. Oftentimes, power issues can cause widespread network disruptions without ever triggering an alert. Clean, conditioned, consistent power used to be a luxury, but is now a necessity in the network.

Next, you have to think of documentation. You may have flashbacks of writing book reports in high school, but maintaining documentation on your network is the easiest way to ensure you’re following best practices, tracking changes and creating the means to troubleshoot effectively. As we layer on more technology and applications, documentation will increase in significance. Embrace it, live it, love it, do it. Twenty minutes of documentation now, even if you feel you don’t have 20 minutes to spare, may save you 20 hours down the road.

SLA IT Employment Training Company has many more tips and tricks to offer to build a network. For more details visit SLA Networking Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Few Aptitude Questions Tips - SLA Aptitude Skills Employment Training Company Chennai

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Time & Work

If A can do a piece of work in n days, then A’s 1 day’s work = 1/n.

If A’s 1 day’s work = 1/n, then A can finish the work in n days.

If A is thrice as good a workman as B, then:
Ratio of work done by A and B = 3 : 1,
Ratio of times taken by A & B to finish a work = 1 : 3

Pipes & Cisterns

If a pipe can fill a tank in ‘x’ hours and another pipe can empty the full tank in ‘y’ hours
(where y > x), then on opening both the pipes, the net part of the tank filled in 1 hour is
(1/x – 1/y)

Suppose a man covers a distance at ‘x’ kmph and an equal distance at ‘y’ kmph, then
average speed during his whole journey is
[2xy / (x + y)] kmph

SLA IT Employment Company is a complete training company. So, they train their students on quantitative aptitude skills along with technical skills. For more details visit SLA Aptitude Skills Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Reasons you Need a Certification - SLA IT Employment Training & Certification Courses in Chennai

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If you get a certification your employer will know that you are serious. Certification helps in the sense that your employer will know that you're serious about your career. Your immediate boss will know you're serious. If there should ever come a time where you're forced to leave, being certified in technical and business disciplines are essential. Employers want employees who need very little start time to get tuned to their systems. In reality you'll be lucky if you're trained on how that company carries on technical job functions. More than likely you'll have to learn on your own and fast. Certification will give you a competitive edge especially if you already have real world experience.

A certification challenges your mind. Certification also puts you in touch with what the marketplace wants. It's easy to get stuck in your own world especially if the company you work for is very stable (thanks to you of course!). Seriously, certification is a testament to your skills. Enhancing your skills will enhance your career and your ability to make better decisions.

SLA IT Employment training company in Chennai conducts job-oriented certificate courses. SLA conducts courses in A+, N+, CCNA, MCSM, and MCSE. For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Reduce Job Hopping - Soft Skills Course/Program & Training in SLA Chennai

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The latest management buzzword isn't really a trend. It is more a reaction to the last few trends. The new buzzword is brightsizing. Brightsizing is downright dangerous and you need to protect your organization from it. 

Brightsizing is defined as "corporate downsizing in which the brightest workers are let go. This happens when a company lays off those workers with the least seniority, but its those young workers who are often the best trained and educated." 

Sometimes brightsizing is blamed on union contracts, which enforce seniority-based hiring/firing practices. It is, unfortunately, just as common in non-union companies. 

Many companies have policy statements in their employee handbooks that state that in layoff decisions "among equally qualified candidates preference will be given to the employee with the greatest seniority."
When faced with decisions that will result in a reduction in staff, make sure you first evaluate the value of the employee to the organization and THEN look at other mitigating factors, such as length of time with the company. 

So, looking at the latest trend of brightsizing, it is advisable for freshers to stick to their first one or two jobs for a long duration. Further, in anyone's career, employers expect you to stay for a minimum of 2 years. SLA IT Employment Training Company trains its students who come for technical training on job management tricks. For more details visit SLA - Soft Skills Course/Program & Training in Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Social Engineering - Computer Hardware and Networking Training Institute in SLA Chennai

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Social engineering is a term that describes a non-technical kind of intrusion that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking other people to break normal security procedures.

A social engineer runs what used to be called a "con game." For example, a person using social engineering to break into a computer network might try to gain the confidence of an authorized user and get them to reveal information that compromises the network's security. Social engineers often rely on the natural helpfulness of people as well as on their weaknesses. They might, for example, call the authorized employee with some kind of urgent problem that requires immediate network access. Appeal to vanity, appeal to authority, appeal to greed, and old-fashioned eavesdropping are other typical social engineering techniques.
Social engineering is a component of many, if not most, types of exploits. Virus writers use social engineering tactics to persuade people to run malware-laden email attachments, phishers use social engineering to convince people to divulge sensitive information, and scareware vendors use social engineering to frighten people into running software that is useless at best and dangerous at worst.

Security experts propose that as our culture becomes more dependent on information, social engineering will remain the greatest threat to any security system. Prevention includes educating people about the value of information, training them to protect it, and increasing people's awareness of how social engineers operate.
SLA IT Employment Training Company conducts classes in hardware and networking and covers Social Engineering as part of the syllabus.For more details visit SLA or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Routing Information Protocol - Cisco Authorized Training Program/Courses in SLA Chennai

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Routing Information Protocols (RIP) like all routing protocols, is designed to disseminate network information pertinent to routers. At the most basic level, routers need to know what networks are reachable and how far away they are. RIP does this, and it’s still widely used today.

Few people have some negative feedback about RIP. They say it converges slowly, it doesn’t scale, it’s insecure because authentication is only plain text, and it suffers from split-horizon issues. This is all true, but it’s still very useful.

  • RIP uses hop counts to calculate optimal routes (a hop is a router).
  • RIP routing is limited to 15 hops to any location (16 hops indicates the network is unreachable).
  • RIP uses the split horizon with poison reverse method to prevent the count-to-infinity problem.
  • RIP uses only classful routing, so it uses full address classes, not subnets.
  • RIP broadcasts updates to the entire network.
  • RIP can maintain up to six multiple paths to each network, but only if the cost is the same.
  • RIP supports load balancing over same-cost paths.
  • The update interval default is 30, the invalid timer default is 180, the holddown timer default is 180, and the flush timer default is 240.

If you are interested to know more about routing protocols, you can join a networking course. SLA IT Employment Training Company conducts courses in networking such as CCNA, MCSA, and N+. For more details visit SLA Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Tips to Maintain Your Computer - Computer PC Hardware Training in SLA Chennai

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Though there are many uses of computer and a computer is indispensable, you need to maintain your computer for it to perform well. You need to periodically backup data. In case there is a hard-disk failure or other man-made mistake, the backup will help you. If there is an electrical outage, your computer will be protected if you have a surge protector. Whenever the computer prompts you for an update, make sure you update without any risk to the system.

Anti-virus software must be installed in your computer. You can also use anti-spyware programs or other malware detection software to decrease your exposure to harmful attacks. Use system maintenance options regularly, such as disk defrag and ScanDisk. These programs reallocate data where it needs to be, remove unused or unnecessary data, and keep your computer's performance optimized. Do not click on or accept any message without reading fully. You need to be careful about what you are agreeing to download or upgrade.

There are lot of free softwares that are available. Don't buy an expensive software if there is a free option. If you have any doubts about the software you are using, learn to use and read the Help file for each software. Don't overload your computer with unwanted programs or data. This overloading will reduce the performance of your system.

Restart your computer on a regular basis to clear any temporary files, data caches, and other data storage locations. You need to reboot after installing a new program.

To know many more methods of keeping your computer functional and up-to-date, you need to join a course in computer hardware. SLA IT Employment company conducts PC hardware training that can lead to an A+ certification. For more details visit SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Network Interface Cards (NICs) - Comptia Network+ Classroom Training Course in SLA Chennai

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The network interface card provides the physical interface between computer and cabling. It prepares data, sends data, and controls the flow of data. It can also receive and translate data into bytes for the CPU to understand. NICs come in many shapes and sizes.

Different NICs are distinguished by the PC bus type and the network for which they are used. The following factors must be taken into account while choosing a NIC:

  • Preparing data
  • Sending and controlling data
  • Configuration
  • Drivers
  • Compatibility
  • Performance

Each card must have a unique hardware address, called a MAC address. If two cards on the same network have the same hardware address, neither one will be able to communicate. For this reason, the IEEE has established a standard for hardware addresses and assigns blocks of these addresses to NIC manufacturers, which then hard-wire the addresses into the cards.

To know more about other type of network hardware you should join a course in hardware and networking. A CompTIA A+ certification will help you to know about hardware in-depth and work in the IT hardware field. SLA IT Employment Company in Chennai offers class-of-the-art training in hardware. For more details visit SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.

Leadership/Aptitude/Interview Skills Training Program - SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai

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Any programmer who joins as a fresher in a company will at some stage be promoted to a Team Leader position. But before promotion, the employers will also like to know if someone is ready for leadership. Let us have a look at few characters employers will look for in a leader.

Vision - Great leaders have vision. They have a clearly chalked out plan for themselves and the company and are very excited about future prospects.

Humility – Leaders are expected to be humble and recognize the sub-ordinates when there is a success.

Strategic Planning – A leader must be able to list a lot of tactics to achieve a set strategy. The strategy must be able to deliver results.

Focus – A leader should not get distracted from his/her main goals and should maintain focus.

Co-operate – A leader must be able to make his subordinates work as a team. They should ensure co-operation amongst team members.

Courage – A leader must be willing to take risks and work in an ambiguous environment.
Integrity – Leaders are expected to be truthful in all their interactions. In the end truth triumphs.

Knowing the needs of the industry, SLA IT Employment Training Company trains their students in soft skills and especially leadership attributes. This helps the students in learning technical skills along with job-oriented soft skills. For more details visit SLA Jobs KK Nagar Chennai or dial (91 44) 4200 5050/90.